
IDF Diabetes Atlas Update 2012

Update: 2013-12-23

In 2012
More than 371 million people have diabetes.
The number of people with diabetes is increasing in every country.
Half of people with diabetes are undiagnosed.
4.8 million people died due to diabetes.
More than 471 billion USD were spent on healthcare for diabetes.

The IDF Diabetes Atlas 2012 Update generates estimates using new studies that became available in the last year, and updated population estimates. New studies that were reviewed came from Saudi Arabia, Japan, Micronesia, Chile, Pakistan, Senegal, Myanmar, and other countries which add to the evidence of the growing burden of diabetes. The new estimates follow the same upward trajectory evidenced by previous editions of the Atlas, and add urgency to the need for effective prevention, treatment, and an end to silence and discrimination.

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